Remembering Dad
Today is Dad’s birthday. He would have been 86 years old. It sure would feel good to hear his voice on the phone inviting me to join him and mutual friends for lunch today!
While he certainly was not a simple man, neither was he too complicated. He loved people and had a warm place in his heart for those whom he perceived to need a friend, regardless of their state in life. This made some of those lunches about as eclectic a gathering as you could imagine. Men who might never even think to invite one another to such a gathering found a common grace at his table. And there was sure to be fun banter and verbal jabs all around. You knew Dad liked you when he started teasing you. So, we would “return fire” and enjoy a pleasant meal in the middle of the work day.
More than once, someone would linger and enjoy a more intimate cup of coffee and share a burden or seek counsel from that sweet old man.
He was not perfect and I feel no need to remember him as though he was, but of all of his many fine traits that I admired, he was not a petty man. He didn’t get down and wallow in the silly things that can easily bog us down. For the most part, he saw good in other people.
Dad loved the Lord and enjoyed studying the Bible as much as anyone I’ve ever known. In my opinion, his overall grasp of scripture was unsurpassed by anyone in my little circle of life. (No disrespect to you fine PHDs out there!)
It’s strange to say, but I don’t “hurt” with missing him. I have a peace and joy that he is where he was long striving to be. He faced his own death without a hint of uncertainty. He left a legacy of love and made it very easy for the five sons who have his name to follow in his footsteps in Montgomery, Alabama..
I will never forget when, back in the eighties, I called a man who was a stranger to me at the time to set up an account with his new lumber business. His name was John Kocher. I told him my name and asked him what I would needed to furnish in order to do business with him. He asked, “Are you related to E. N. Leary?”
“Yes, He’s my dad.”
“Well”, said Mr. Kocher, “You just tell me what you need, where you need it and where to send the bill.” That was it. That’s what I mean. Dad made it easy for us.
This afternoon I’m scheduled to inspect a home on Joryne Drive. It is a street I remember well from tagging along with Dad when he was building houses there in the sixties. I will wonder if, or maybe I’ll be certain that it was one of his. If so, it will be a fine house, I promise you!
Happy Birthday Dad
I love you!